Image courtesy of Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

"Jefferson's Flight from Monticello," June 20, 2015

June 20th, Saturday, Bus Tour - "Jefferson's Flight from Monticello"
On June 20, a bus tour sponsored by the Nelson County Historical Society will retrace Jefferson's flight from Monticello. History and Thomas Jefferson’s character can be brought alive by following his known travel routes. Nowhere is his character better appreciated or understood than during this historic flight from Monticello which began on the 4th of June 1781 as Tarleton’s troops entered Charlottesville intent on capturing the Virginia Governor and author of the Declaration of Independence.
Join Nelson County Historical Society members Dick Whitehead and Doug Coleman as they retrace Jefferson’s historic flight from Monticello through the now-neglected back roads of Albemarle, Nelson and Amherst Counties, ending at Geddes, the home of Hugh Rose where Jefferson and his family took refuge for several nights en route to Poplar Forest.  Points of interest: several historic ordinary sites; Fairmount Baptist Church - lunch break;  Cabellsville - site of the Colonial Era Amherst County Courthouse. - archaeologist on site to relate recent findings.
To make reservations and purchase tickets email or call 434-263-8400.   Tour cost - $30 per person and Society members $20 per person - bring your own lunch.  Parking at The Nelson Memorial Library, Lovingston, VA  9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. 

More information at

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