Image courtesy of Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Yorktown Tour

Thanks to Sarah Pace, here are pictures from our recent tour of Yorktown.  Michael Moore and Maureen Wiese did a fantastic job of covering the village.  Again, thank you to two of our anonymous members, who came through with extra donations to keep the tour in the black.  Scroll down through the pictures.

November 16, 2022 Election Information

Our bylaws call for an election of board members every two years at the November meeting.  This year, the board is also proposing a restructuring of the board membership.  After sixteen years in existence with the current structure, we offer the following changes.

1. Eliminate the two At Large positions

2. Combine two positions - the 2nd Vice President for Membership and the Webmaster - into one position as 2nd Vice President for Membership and Technology

3. Great a new position of Osher Director.  This position would not be voted on, but rather be automatically filled by the current Osher Director.  This makes sense, given our close relationship with the University of Richmond's Osher Program.

As these proposals must be announced prior to voting, this message serves that purpose.  These changes will be voted on prior to the board election at the Wednesday, November 16th meeting.  A vote of two-thirds of dues paying members present will be necessary for adoption.

Both Jerry Rudd and Woody Childs have decided to retire from the board after long and important service.  We offer our sincere thanks to Woody and Jerry.

The slate for the board for the 2023 -2024 term is:

President - Bill Welsch
1st VP for Programs - Bruce Venter
2nd VP for Membership + Technology - Mark Groth
Paymaster - Art Ritter
Secretary / Historian - Fred Sorrell
Osher Director - Peggy Watson (appointed)

If you should wish to nominate either yourself or another member, please send that nomination to me at  They will be included in the voting.  Only dues paying members in attendance are eligible to hold office and vote.

Next Meeting: November 16, 2022

Dr. Bruce Venter will be speaking on "Forting Up: Defending the Mohawk Valley through the Artwork of Rufus Grider." Rufus Grider's artistic endeavors relating to New York State history began in 1886. At that time, he came up with the idea of making a "collection of pictures of old” buildings of the Mohawk Valley. He decided he could draw these buildings that "formerly existed" if he could find individuals who could describe them and recognize them when drawn. Initially he drew views of buildings and landscapes, then Indian relics and finally "any object suited for illustration," including documents, which he copied by tracing the original. From 1886 to about 1900, Grider traveled up and down the Mohawk Valley, with occasional excursions to the Cherry and Schoharie valleys and Lake George and Lake Champlain, in search of historic buildings, battlefields, the sites of forts, the relics of Indians, all of which he drew or copied with explanatory notes.

We will be returning to the Westhampton Room in the Heilman Dining Center. Regular dining service will be available beginning at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting will follow at 6:30 p.m.

University of Richmond campus map: