Image courtesy of Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

2017 Preservation Partner Donation

(l. to r., Bill Welsch, Lindsey Morrison, Lynne Venter)
At our January 24 meeting, Bill Welsch, president of the American Revolution Round Table of Richmond, and Lynne Venter, CFO of America's History LLC, presented Lindsey Morrison of Campaign 1776 donations to aid in the preservation of the Waxhaws battlefield in South Carolina. A portion of each year's dues are donated to an annual preservation partner chosen by the membership. For this year, America's History LLC graciously volunteered to match the donation.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

January 17 Meeting Postponed

Tonight's meeting is postponed until next Wednesday, January 24, 2018.

Everything else will remain the same – speaker, time, and place. Jon Kukla will be presenting “Patrick Henry: Champion of Liberty.”  

Friday, January 12, 2018

7th Annual Conference of the American Revolution, March 23-25, 2018

This premier conference, sponsored by the Venter's America's History, LLC, will once again be held in Williamsburg on the above dates. Details may be found at

There are about 150 people already signed up and it will be sold out, so don’t wait to register!

"Virginia Campaign of 1781," February 24-25, 2018

Presented by the Williamsburg Yorktown ARRT. Details may be found here:   It’s filling up fast.

Congratulations, John Millar!

Our own John Millar has been recognized by the Virginia State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. A presentation was made at John’s Newport House of the Good Citizenship Medal, one of the highest awards given to a non-member of SAR. John was honored for the Revolutionary War ship (HMS Rose) that he had built, the ships he’s proposing to build, the books he has written on revolutionary subjects, and the fact that he founded the Bicentennial Council of the Thirteen Original States back in 1970, which raised millions for worthy Bicentennial projects. Congratulations, John! Very well deserved.

2018 Reenlistments Are Being Accepted

Yes, it's a new year and that means that reenlistments are being accepted for the American Revolution Round Table of Richmond. Details and information form are located on the "Dues" page above but the salient points are:

  • Annual dues are $20.00
  • Checks are preferable; please make payable to "ARRT-Richmond" 
  • You may pay at the next meeting or may mail your form and check to the address on the form
Don't be a laggard... submit your reenlistment levy today!