Image courtesy of Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Meeting Notes: September 18, 2024

The September 18, 2024, meeting was held in the Westhampton Room, Heilman Dining Center, at the University of Richmond. Members of the University of Richmond’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute also attended.

Bill Welch announced that the Roundtable has recently received the Internal Revenue Service’s tax-exempt organization status under IRC Section 501(c)(3) as a public charity. Donations to the Roundtable are tax deductible.

The evening’s program speaker was Cody Youngblood, MA, who serves as the Director of Historic Preservation & Collections at Red Hill, a home of Patrick Henry now owned by the Patrick Henry Memorial Foundation. Henry owned the property from 1794 until his death in 1799. Mr. Youngblood is steward to a collection of over 3,000 artifacts and documents relating to Patrick Henry and participates in archeological activities on the property. Red Hill is located about two miles southeast of Brookneal, Virginia. See for further information.

Mr. Youngblood’s presentation, “Unveiling the Past: New Discoveries at Patrick Henry’s Red Hill,” focused on the current (and planned) archeological projects at Red Hill. Red Hill was one of Patrick Henry’s 13 homes and was the one in which he lived last. Originally, the farm consisted of 2,965 acres, on which tobacco, wheat, and corn were cultivated and alcoholic spirits distilled.

Over the years, ownership changes have occurred. This resulted in later buildings being constructed and garden additions, most notably beginning in 1905, those by Lucy Gray Henry Harrison, a great-granddaughter to Patrick Henry. The property was eventually acquired by the Foundation which restored Henry's law office and preserved his grave. It also reconstructed his last home and several dependencies. A new museum was built to provide for interpretation of his life and place in 1976. The museum houses what is now the largest collection of Patrick Henry-related artifacts and memorabilia in the world, representing those acquired by purchase and those acquired by archeological digs. The purpose of this collection is to aid in educating the public about the life, times, philosophy, and contributions made by Henry to America’s posterity.

Mr. Youngblood summarized recent archeological efforts and how those efforts are woven into the Foundation’s interpretive fabric, touching on: test pits, site reports, field data, artifact data, spatial data, and data visualizations.

For a more in-depth account of Patrick Henry, Mr. Youngblood recommended For the People, For the Country: Patrick Henry's Final Political Battle by John A. Ragosta, University of Virginia Press.

Patrick Henry is buried at Red Hill alongside his second wife Dorothea Dandridge Henry.

Fred Sorrell


Sunday, September 15, 2024

ARRT of Richmond Wilton House Museum Tour

Wilton House Museum was voted our ARRT of Richmond Preservation Partner for 2023. Our membership was invited for an exclusive tour on Saturday, September 14.

Joe Rizzo, Executive Director, and Savannah Gross, Director of Visitor Experience, led our two groups on an in-depth and informative tour of the house and described the move of the house from its original location on a 2,000-acre tobacco and wheat plantation to its present location in Richmond.

Thank you, Joe and Savannah!

Meeting Notes: July 17, 2024

The July 17, 2024, meeting was held in the Westhampton Room, Heilman Dining Center, at the University of Richmond.

The evening’s program speaker was Meika Downey, MA, who serves as the statewide Education Manager for Preservation Virginia’s five early American historic sites across the Commonwealth. Ms. Downey spoke about the overarching missions of Preservation Virginia (, and the six properties and museums which it owns and operates. These properties include Bacon’s Castle, Smith’s Fort, John Marshall House, Cape Henry Lighthouse, Patrick Henry's Scotchtown, and Historic Jamestowne. The focus of her presentation was John Marshall, who was a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia. He briefly served as Secretary of State (1800-01), and who was appointed the fourth Chief Justice of the United States by John Adams. During which time judicial review was further defined as the final arbiter of executive, legislative, or administrative actions strengthening the system of checks and balances in the United States. Ms. Downey spoke about the residence Marshall had constructed in Richmond, its history, and the actions taken by Preservation Virginia at the John Marshall House to engage the public about the life and legacies of the Great Chief Justice, his Richmond home, and the enslaved people who labored there.

Fred Sorrell


Monday, August 12, 2024

Next Meeting: September 18, 2024

Our next meeting will feature Cody Youngblood speaking on "Architecture and History at Patrick Henry's Red Hill."

Cody is an architectural historian and the Director of Historic Preservation & Collections at Red Hill. He holds a B.A. in Historic Preservation and Museum Studies from the University of Mary Washington and an M.A. in the Conservation of Historic Buildings from the University of York. He has formerly served as the Museum Director of George C. Marshall’s Dodona Manor and as Collections Manager at Oatlands Historic House & Gardens and the Rising Sun Tavern. In 2019, Cody was honored as the Albert J. Bowley Scholar by the University of Mary Washington’s Center for Historic Preservation and the James Monroe Museum & Memorial Library.  He also serves as an advisory council member of The Real American Revolution Consortium for Civic Education.

We will meet in the Heilman Dining Center at the University of Richmond, returning to our usual times of dinner beginning at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Here are directions to campus and a map.  Click on Campus Map near the bottom.  We will meet in the Heilman Dining Center.    

Monday, July 15, 2024

Run To Revolution! September 2024

Run to revolution!

A little over two years from now, America will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Goochland has partnered with the Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission, established in 2020 by the General Assembly, to commemorate the anniversary of the American Revolution. 

The Goochland County Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution of support for this endeavor in 2022 with the understanding that the Goochland Historical Society would lead the local committee. The Hon. Manuel Alvarez, Jr., who served as District 2 Supervisor and interim county administrator,  was appointed chair of the Goochland 250th Commission

In September, the Goochland 250th Commission will sponsor a 5k race at historic Elk Hill Farm in western Goochland, where British troops commanded by Lord Cornwallis camped before heading to Yorktown. Go to for sign up information.

This will be the first of a series of events planned to explore the world changing impact of the Declaration of Independence. Stay tuned!

The American Revolution Experience Traveling Exhibit: Sept. 9, 2024


Meeting Notes: May 23. 2024

The May 23, 2024, meeting was held in the Westhampton Room, Heilman Dining Center, at the University of Richmond.

John Beakes, author of William Campbell in the American Revolution Commander of Riflemen at Kings Mountain and Guilford Courthouse, published by Heritage Books, was the evening’s speaker. He is the author of five books on the Revolutionary War that focus on little-known combat leaders in America's fight for independence.

William Campbell in the American Revolution: Commander of Riflemen at Kings Mountain and Guilford Courthouse is a biography of a lesser-known figure who played a significant role in securing American independence. Campbell was born in Augusta County, Virginia of Scots Irish descent, and migrated to Fincastle County to farm on newly opened frontier land. Campbell became a significant figure in the American Revolution as a militia leader in far western Virginia, especially in the Southern Theater. The book covers the Battle of Kings Mountain in detail. Campbell's strategic leadership was instrumental in the American victory. Beakes covers a wide range of American and Virginia historical events leading up to open revolution. Campbell's life as a militia leader in shaping the success of the Battle of Kings Mountain makes for prime reading, where his riflemen, and eight other militia detachments surprised, outmaneuvered, and defeated Loyalist forces.

Campbell grew up on the harsh Virginia frontier, that shaped him into a tough and resourceful regional leader. He participated in Dunmore's War, was committed to the Patriot cause, and became a de facto leader of his neighboring frontiersmen when the British were agitating native tribes to prevent the French from expanding their influence eastward towards the Appalachians. Campbell served at the Battle of Point Pleasant (where the Kanawha River joins the Ohio River on the western boundary of today’s West Virginia) in 1774 that ended Lord Dunmore's War reducing the threat of Native American attacks on settlers inhabiting the area. In 1775, he was appointed captain in the First Virginia militia regiment. At that time, Virginia militias had become organizations independent of the Crown's militia. Campbell was an aggressive opponent of Loyalists who wished to remain under British control and Campbell used ruthless tactics against Loyalists on the Virginia frontier during a period marked by brutal violence on both sides. He earned the nickname "the bloody tyrant of Washington County" due to his tactics combating Loyalists, which included property destruction, hangings, and a disregard for legal proceedings. As a friend of Patrick Henry, he heard Henry’s ideas on political and military strategies for Virginia’s future.

Virginia’s boundaries and political jurisdictions were ever changing. Fincastle County was created in 1772 from Botetourt County and had a western limit of the Mississippi River. Fincastle men spent most of 1774 engaged in frontier Native American warfare orchestrated by British agents who intended to stifle further westward expansion into contested Native American lands. Early settlers extended the foothold on the frontier and helped open the door to mass westward migration.

The British oppression was not felt as heavily in Virginia as it was felt in Massachusetts. In 1774, Bostonians resolved to boycott all British goods and called on the other colonies for support and assistance. In statements of unity, Virginia jurisdictions began writing and publishing resolutions and instructions, during the summer of 1774, that clearly revealed the hardening of Virginians’ opinions against British rule in the colony. Acts of Parliament were condemned by the various county organizing committees as they were considered "violating the most sacred and important rights of Americans" (Caroline County), "repugnant" (Dunmore County, now Shenandoah County), "unjust, arbitrary, and unconstitutional" (Chesterfield County), "tyrannical" (Essex County), etc. The objection to taxation without representation was a common theme (and was explicitly expressed in Fairfax County’s sixth resolve). Many jurisdictions resolved not to import commodities (the non-importation policy) from Britain, with tea prominent among such items specifically mentioned. Almost all the jurisdictions concluded by electing delegates to the upcoming Virginia Convention and ordering that their resolves or actions be published.

At a meeting in distant Southwest Virginia, Fincastle freeholders on January 20. 1775, adopted its resolutions which included a bold declaration of armed resistance against the British Crown – one of the earliest such statements in the Thirteen Colonies. Fincastle Resolutions signers had developed their military skills fighting Native Americans and for many it provided an intensely personal experience with the loss of family members and the destruction of property. Campbell was one of thirteen men to sign the Fincastle Resolutions. Colonel William Christian, Patrick Henry's brother-in-law, was elected chairman of the committee to see that the boycott of British goods was properly executed. By March 27, 1775, a total of fifty-nine of the colony's sixty-five jurisdictions had acted. Campbell's spirit landed him a captaincy in the Virginia militia, and he was not afraid to take a stand against those who remained loyal to the British rule.

Patrick Henry was able to influence the Fincastle signers because he had significant connections with four of the signers, then present and future: William Campbell, William Christian, Thomas Madison, and William Russell. Campbell was a regular traveler to Williamsburg to represent his territory and it was there he was introduced to Elizabeth Henry, a sister of Patrick Henry, who he would marry in April 1776. Campbell returned to the frontier later in 1776 to fight Native Americans and Tories.

In 1780, the situation to the south of Virginia was under danger of British military control. The British had captured Charleston, along with General Lincoln and his entire army. The war was transferred to the Carolinas and Georgia. General Gates, who had captured the British army at Saratoga and was in command of the Southern army during this year, was disastrously defeated at Camden. Colonel Sumpter and his body of Patriots had been overwhelmed by Colonel Tarleton at Fishing Creek. Detachments from the British army were scattered throughout South Carolina and Georgia. Colonel Buford and his Virginia forces had been defeated by Tarleton's cavalry at the Waxhaw's, and every preparation was being made by Lord Cornwallis to overrun North Carolina and Virginia. Lord Cornwallis had placed the command of the western borders of North Carolina and South Carolina under Colonel Patrick Ferguson. Ferguson had overrun and destroyed the Patriot forces in his territory to such an extent that the officers and men of the Patriot forces were driven across the mountains to the Holston settlements of southwest Virginia. The British were raising Loyalist units from the Tory population of the Carolina backcountry to protect the left flank of Lord Cornwallis' main body at Charlotte, North Carolina. Patriot leaders sent word to Virginia militia leader, William Campbell, asking him to join them at Sycamore Shoals. Campbell called on Benjamin Cleveland to bring his Wilkes County, North Carolina militia to the rendezvous. The detachments of Shelby, Sevier and Campbell were met by North Carolina militiamen led by Charles McDowell and his brother Joseph. Campbell's cousin, Arthur Campbell, brought 200 more Virginians. About 1,100 volunteers from southwest Virginia and today's northeast Tennessee (known as the "Overmountain Men" because they had settled into the wilderness west of the Appalachian Mountains’ ridgeline) mustered at the rendezvous on September 25, 1780, at Sycamore Shoals near the modern city of Elizabethton, Tennessee.

The five colonels leading the Patriot force (Shelby, Sevier, William Campbell, Joseph McDowell, and Cleveland) chose William Campbell as the nominal commander, and agreed all five would act in council to command their combined army of 1,400. The British left-flank detachment camped on Kings Mountain awaiting reinforcements. The Patriot force, after an all-night forced march in pouring rains, arrived at Kings Mountain on the afternoon of October 7, 1780, where they formed into eight detachments and immediately surrounded the encampment ridge and attacked.

The Patriots caught the Loyalists by surprise. In approximately one hour of back and forth skirmishing the British leader and scores of his troops were dead, and the remainder, many wounded, were taken prisoner by the Patriot army. Campbell became known for his rallying cry "Here they are, my brave boys; shout like hell and fight like devils!" as they made their charge to the peak.

The victory at Kings Mountain set the scene for an American military resurgence with Cornwallis falling back into South Carolina and delaying his planned invasion into North Carolina and into Virginia. William Campbell's military role at the Battle of Kings Mountain immortalized him. Some believe that without that victory the Revolution would have been lost. His bravery and successful rallying of his men at Kings Mountain contributed greatly to the final American victory at Yorktown.

William Campbell's Virginia riflemen were present and fought alongside the Continental Army at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. The battle of Guilford Court House was fought March 15, 1781. The British army was damaged considerably, and Lord Cornwallis decided to leave the Carolinas for good. Hard feelings developed by Campbell towards General Henry Lee when Lee failed to support Campbell's riflemen during Tarleton's charge and Campbell’s men left for home and on March 20, the Campbell resigned and left the American camp for home.

Campbell was elected two times to the Virginia House of Delegates. He was commissioned a brigadier general by the Virginia Assembly on June 15, 1781, when Cornwallis entered Virginia and more troops were needed, Campbell recruited 600 riflemen and started towards Lafayette's army. But Campbell stayed behind at Rocky Mills Plantation, in western Hanover County on the South Anna River, due to illness. Campbell’s men skirmished at Three Burnt Chimneys with Simcoe's horsemen and moved further down the Middle Neck with Anthony Wayne. His rifle corps moved down the James to join the rest of the American army at West Point. On August 22, 1781, General William Campbell died at Rocky Mills. He was thirty-six years of age.

Lord Cornwallis surrendered his forces to American forces at Yorktown, Virginia on October 19, 1781 - a little more than one year after the Battle of Kings Mountain.

Fred Sorrell


Friday, June 14, 2024

Next Meeting: July 17, 2024

Meika Downey will speak on "Preservation and Artifacts at the John Marshall House."

Meika Downey, MA, serves as the statewide Education Manager for Preservation Virginia’s five early American historic sites across the Commonwealth ( In managing all student and adult education for Preservation Virginia, Meika prioritizes inclusive history, sensory-learning, and amplifying diverse voices in primary sources and material culture. She earned her BA in history and political science from Hollins University and her MA in history and public history from Virginia Commonwealth University. She lives in Richmond, Virginia. [source: History Camp website]



Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Meeting Notes: March 20, 2024

The March 20, 2024, meeting was held in the Westhampton Room, Heilman Dining Center, at the University of Richmond. Meeting attendance continues to grow towards pre-pandemic numbers.

Bill Welch announced the membership’s selection of Wilton House Museum, Richmond, Virginia, as AART-R’s 2023 Preservation Partner. Dr Joseph Rizzo, executive director of Wilton House Museum, was presented with a donation to continue their preservation work.

Charles McDaniel was the presenter for the evening. He is chairman of Hilldrup Moving and Storage Corporation, a University of Richmond graduate and owner of the Sentry Box House. He and his family have restored the Sentry Box and currently reside there. Sentry Box is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Weedon built the Sentry Box House in about 1786 and named it to reflect an aspect of his military career. The property overlooks the Rappahannock River in the historic district of Fredericksburg and has a terraced lawn that extends to the river and provides a view across the river toward Ferry Farm in Stafford County.

Mr. McDaniel’s presentation included the topics: Brigadier General George Weedon’s life, the Sentry Box House, Weedon’s family, neighbors and friends in Fredericksburg, the importance of Fredericksburg as the third most populated town in the Colony of Virginia, Fredericksburg’s importance as a transportation hub of roads and waterways, and nearby industries such as the Hunter Iron Works at Falmouth.

George Weedon’s military experience began during the French and Indian War while serving with George Washington and Hugh Mercer. After the French and Indian War ended in 1763, Weedon returned to Fredericksburg and married Catharine Gordon. Hugh Mercer married Catharine’s sister, Isabella. The Gordon family owned a popular tavern known as "Mrs. Gordon’s Tavern" which Weedon began managing. The tavern became the social center of Fredericksburg's wealthy planter class and became a meeting place for Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Hugh Mercer, George Mason, John Marshall, Richard Henry Lee, Gustavus Browne Wallace, William Woodford, George Washington, and other well-known patriots.

Weedon re-entered military service into the Virginia militia and rose to the rank of Continental Army brigadier general. In consequence of a question of General William Woodford’s supremacy of rank, Weedon retired from service shortly after the battle of Germantown. Not having resigned, he resumed command of a brigade in 1780. During the siege of Yorktown, Weedon led the Virginia militia at Gloucester Point. Seizing that strategic position located directly across from Yorktown, on the opposite bank of the York River. Weedon prevented Cornwallis' escape across the York River thus sealing the fate of Cornwallis. This forced Cornwallis’ surrender of all the British forces, effectively ending America's war for independence October 19, 1781.

Mr. McDaniel spoke about generals who lived in the Fredericksburg area; among them were Brigadier General George Weedon, General George Washington, Brigadier General Hugh Mercer, Brigadier General John Minor, and Brigadier General William Woodford. In presenting, he included the famous lineage of the Mercer family (General George S. Patton, Jr., and songwriter Johnny Mercer).

Weedon contributed significantly to the success of the Revolutionary War and played an active role in the beginnings of post-war government and commerce in Fredericksburg.

The McDaniels have agreed to include The Sentry Box House on the Historic Garden Week Fredericksburg Tour.

Further information is available at the following links:

 Biography of George Weedon

Sentry Box House History

Sentry Box Fredericksburg

Sentry Box National Register of Historic Places

Hugh Mercer's Fredericksburg

Mercer Family's Military Lineage


Fred Sorrell


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Next Meeting: May 23, 2024


Please note our revised meeting date of Thursday, May 23. We needed to reschedule due to the University of Richmond's graduation closures.

John Beakes will speak on "William Campbell in the American Revolution: Commander of Riflemen at King's Mountain and Guilford Courthouse."

John Beakes graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1966 and served in nuclear submarines until 1974. He then began a career of executive leadership in technology service companies, from which he retired in 2021. His five books on the Revolutionary War have focused on little-known combat leaders in America's fight for independence. He co-authored "Cool, Deliberate Courage: John Eager Howard in the American Revolution" and "'Light Horse Harry Lee' in the War for Independence" with Dr. Jim Piecuch. He then completed "Otho Holland Williams in the American Revolution" in 2015, and "De Kalb: One of the Revolutionary War's Bravest Generals" in 2019. In 2022, he completed "William Campbell in the American Revolution: Commander of Riflemen at Kings Mountain and Guilford Courthouse." These books have brought forth the stories of how these largely unknown military leaders made important contributions to the American victory in the Revolutionary War. [Source:]

Here are directions to campus and a map.  Click on Campus Map near the bottom.  We will meet in the Heilman Dining Center. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.   

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Next Meeting: March 20, 2024

Charles McDaniel will speak on "General George Weedon and the Sentry Box House."

George Weedon was a Continental Army brigadier general from Fredericksburg who fought throughout the entire war, up to Yorktown. Weedon built the Sentry Box house in about 1766 and named it to reflect his military career. Our speaker will be Charles G. McDaniel, chairman of Hilldrup Moving and Storage Corp. Mr. McDaniel, a University of Richmond graduate and owner of the Sentry Box, is active in numerous state and local charitable and historic boards and committees. He and his family have restored the Sentry Box and currently reside there. Join us to learn about the general and his house.

Here are directions to campus and a map.  Click on Campus Map near the bottom.  We will meet in the Heilman Dining Center.    

Monday, February 12, 2024

The Harry M. Ward Book Prize for 2024

Nominations for the 2024 book prize are now open, and the award committee encourages ARRT-R members to submit titles for consideration. Eligible books must have been published in 2022 or 2023. Send nominations by 1 April 2024 to committee chair, Mark Lender, at The committee will consider all suggested titles, then cull the list to six books for final consideration. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Meeting Notes: January 18, 2024

The January 18, 2024 meeting of the American Revolution Round Table of Richmond was a Zoom meeting and held with the participation of the University of Richmond’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Over one hundred participants logged into the meeting.

Dr. Benjamin Carp presented the evening’s program and spoke on "The Boston Tea Party and Its Legacy at 250." Dr. Carp is the Daniel M. Lyons Professor of American History at Brooklyn College and teaches at the CUNY Graduate Center. He is the author of The Great New York Fire of 1776: A Lost Story of the American Revolution (Yale University Press, 2023) and Defiance of the Patriots: The Boston Tea Party and the Making of America (Yale University Press, 2010); and Rebels Rising: Cities and the American Revolution (Oxford University Press, 2007). He also has written for scholarly journals and popular publications. He received his B.A. from Yale University, his Ph.D. from the University of Virginia, and he previously taught at the University of Edinburgh and Tufts University. []

 Griffin’s Wharf. Not many have heard the name but most students are taught about the event which happened there on the night of December 16, 1773. The wharf, located on the east end of Boston Harbor, is where a party of Bostonians boarded three British merchant vessels docked there, awaiting customs processing, and dumped three hundred forty-two chests of yet untaxed tea into Boston Harbor. The tea belonged to the East India Company (a joint-stock company with investors), and, importantly, not property of the English Crown. Many citizens wanted the tea sent back to England without the payment of any taxes. The event later became known as the Boston Tea Party. Dr. Carp, in a fast-paced presentation, spoke to the events and people that motivated the citizens of Boston to openly defy Acts of England’s Parliament, which eventually resulted in widespread revolution and independence of the American colonies.

Thomas Hutchinson, Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, (and fearing trouble) had moved to his summer home in Milton and Admiral John Montagu, the English military commander, was at a house on the dock and watched the event. Each were aware of the extensive legal wrangling of what to do with the tea [Samuel Adams Documents] and did nothing to protect English tea. Each adhered to the British legal system, in which the military would not act without a civilian government request, and the civilian government would not call on the military until a crime was under way or had taken place. Consequently, Bostonians were not prevented from removing and dumping overboard the contents of tea chests into Boston Harbor nor was the large crowd of supporters dispersed during the “party.” No harm was made to the colonial-owned ships or their crews as destruction of the tea was the only object for destruction that day [The Ships].

Joshua Wyeth, a 16 year-old, was part of the crowd who met that day at the Old South Meeting House and left en mass to resolve the tea storm. Wyeth joined others and disguised himself as an “Indian” and boarded one of the ships. Wyeth is the only participant to publicly tell the story of that day’s events but not until 53 years after the fact [Joshua Wyeth's account].

The leadup to the “party” was the Tea Act of 1773. America seemed an obvious and politically expedient place to unload an overabundance of tea inventory in England warehouses. The Tea Act lowered the duty the East India Company paid on “legal” tea to the British government but gave the Company a monopoly on the American tea trade (cutting out the Dutch) and would save the East India Company from bankruptcy and financial losses by its English investors. The previous Townshend Act duty on tea was left in place except the duty was rescinded on tea entering England but left in place on tea that entered the colonies. The unequal treatment angered colonists and strengthened their belief that the colonies were being subjected to “taxation without representation.” This famous slogan was applied to English Parliamentary Acts that were passed to raise revenues after the British government was deep in debt following the Seven Years’ War. Legal tea, smuggled tea, Sons of Liberty agitations, rituals of Boston ladies that included highly prized sugar flavored with licorice to sweeten their tea, merchants and ship owners being at odds, customs officers without the authority to defuse conflicts, corrupt public officials being bankrolled by tax schemes were some of the circumstances that galvanized Bostonians. As colonials, they were Englishmen believing they had the same rights as Englishmen in England, and to have their own elected representatives in Parliament having connections to their own constituencies, when this seemed impossible their only recourse was acts of rebellion.

Fueling colonist dissatisfaction with British rule, the Townshend Acts (1767) were a series of British Acts that introduced a series of taxes and regulations to fund civil and military administration of the British colonies in America predating the Intolerable Acts. They were, also considered, by colonists, as an attempt to assert what Parliament considered to be its historic right to exert authority over the colonies. This form of revenue generation was Great Britian's response to the failure of the Stamp Act 1765, which had provided the first form of direct taxation placed upon the colonies. The import duties proved to be similarly controversial and lead to widespread protests in the form of boycotts of English goods, especially among merchants in Boston and other east coast ports. Examples of these Acts follow:

 1. The Suspending Act - also known The New York Restraining Act, gave the Royal Governor of New York the authority to suspend the colony's legislature until it complied with the Quartering Act of 1765 and provided funds for the soldiers stationed in New York City.

 2. The Townshend duties or the Revenue Act 1767 - placed new duties on paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea that were imported into the colonies. These were items that were not produced in North America and that the colonists were only allowed to buy from Great Britain.

 3. The Commissioners of Customs Act 1767 - established the American Board of Customs Commissioners which was viewed as notoriously corrupt. It was at the Board's request that troops were sent to Boston to quell hostilities against it. The Boston Massacre took place before their headquarters.

 4. The Indemnity Act 1767 - reduced taxes on the British East India Company when they imported tea into England. This allowed the Company to avoid bankruptcy and to re-export the tea to the colonies more cheaply and resell it to the colonists at prices below Dutch tea.

The path to liberty was further advanced, in coming years, when the British Parliament passed a series of laws to punish the colonies. These laws became known as the Coercive Acts (also known as the Intolerable Acts): the Boston Port Act, the Massachusetts Government Act, the Administration of Justice Act, the Quartering Act, and the Quebec Act.

The destruction of East India Company’s tea brought together a diverse array of people from around the world--from Chinese tea-pickers to English businessmen and soldiers, American merchants, firebrand and behind the scene patriots against loyalists, Native American tribes, sugar plantation slaves, and Boston’s elite tea drinking ladies.

While the destruction of the tea, that day, looked like a triumph for the Bostonians, it was viewed as a significant crime in London deserving severe punishment and marked another step towards open rebellion, and eventually the American colonies’ independence. “Well boys, you have had a fine, pleasant evening for your Indian caper, haven’t you? But mind, you have got to pay the fiddler yet!” Admiral Montague.

 Fred Sorrell



Eighteenth Century Parliamentary Acts and Colonial Actions

Sugar Act (1764) – revised taxes on sugar, coffee, tea, wine and forced shipments to go through Britain first; those found guilty of violating were sent to Vice-Admiralty Courts in Nova Scotia and were denied juries and presumed guilty.

Stamp Act (1765) – tax on all printed documents (deeds, newspapers, marriage licenses, etc.), which was an internal tax (not an external import tax) - opposed heavily, particularly by groups like the Loyal Nine and Sons of Liberty, some tax collectors forced to resign.

Stamp Act Congress (1765) – representatives of nine colonies met in NYC (1st such meeting since Albany in 1754) – planning coordinated protests of the Stamp Act and declared Great Britain lacked authority to tax here, and to deny a person a jury trial.

“No Taxation Without Representation” – best articulated in a Boston town meeting by James Otis.

"Virtual Representation” – counter-argument that states that colonists (as are all British subjects) are represented by all members of the British Parliament (“they do have representation”).

Quartering Act (1765) – British soldiers allowed to quarter in all buildings even if occupied by families and furnish maintenance needs and colonial legislatures had to pay for quartering those soldiers.

Declaratory Act (1766) – Parliament declared sovereignty over the colonies (despite repeal of Stamp Act) “in all cases whatsoever.”

New York Suspending Act – Parliament nullified all laws of an assembly that refuses American Board of Customs Commissioners (1767) – created by Parliament to stop smuggling in violation of the Navigation Acts; Britain paid informers and seized ships of those found guilty; heavy-handed enforcement upset colonists.

Townshend Duties/Revenue Act (1767) – taxed certain goods imported from Britain.

“Letter From a Farmer in Pennsylvania”– written by John Dickenson in 1767 - argued that a tax on imports to raise money (not to protect trade) was unconstitutional unless elected representatives voted for it.

Non-importation, non-consumption – boycotts on imports from Britain, and the consumption of goods from Britain (particularly effective with tea) to force the repeal of the Townshend duties (which were repealed in 1770).

Boston Massacre (1770)

Tea Act (1773) – tax on tea, revenue paid royal governors which took away colonies “power of the purse” and made governors more dependent on and loyal to Britain.

Boston Tea Party (1773)

Coercive/Intolerable Acts (1774) – in response to the Boston Tea Party - closed port of Boston until the tea was paid for, revoked Massachusetts charter (disbanding assembly), and gave power to the governor.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

11th Annual Conference on the American Revolution

March 15-17, 2024

Virginia Crossings Hotel & Conference Center

Glen Allen, VA

Conference only: $295
Conference + Bus Tour: $455

“America’s Premier Conference on the American Revolution”

“Always In-Person, Never on Zoom”

Edward G. Lengel – Head of Faculty – Vice President, National Medal of Honor Museum

Mark R. Anderson – “Down the Warpath to the Cedars: Indians’ First Battles in the Revolution”

Friederike Baer – “Incomprehensible Friends and Rebellious Enemies: German Soldiers in the American Revolutionary War”

Brooke Barbier – “King Hancock: The Radical Influence of a Moderate Founding Father”

Stephen Brumwell – “Turncoat: A Fresh Interpretation of Benedict Arnold and the Crisis of American Liberty”

Iris De Rode – “A New Perspective on the Yorktown Campaign: Revelations of the Unpublished Private Papers of François-Jean de Chastellux”

William Anthony Hay – “We Live on Victory’: British Military Strategy and Decision-Making in the American Revolution, 1774-1781”

Ricardo “Rick” Herrera – “Projecting Power Continental Army Style: George Washington and the Armed Camp at Valley Forge.”

Paul Lockhart – “Drillmaster of the Revolution: The Baron de Steuben and the Making of the American Army”

Daniel Murphy – “The Revolutionary War’s Other Cavalryman: William Washington, America’s Light Dragoon and the Myths of Hobkirk’s Hill”

Kevin J. Weddle – “America’s Turning Point: Leadership in the Saratoga Campaign of 1777″

For more information or for registration go online to or call (703) 785-4373.

2023 Harry M. Ward Book Award Winner!

The winner of the Harry M. Ward Book Award for 2023 is Steven Elliott for Surviving the Winters: Housing Washington's Army During the Revolution.

This is the first full-scale study of the role the Continental Army’s winter encampments played in the waging and eventual winning of the War for Independence. That role was critical. As Elliott explains, the patriot army spent relatively few days in actual combat, and the war’s “off-season,” especially the long winter months, presented other challenges—many of them as formidable as the British army. Camp sicknesses, cold, hunger, and difficult terrain were often deadly and debilitating threats as well. Thus camp construction and management were critical to the army’s ability to sustain itself through the winters and to emerge combat-ready in the spring. Elliott looks in depth at the Continental winter encampments at Morristown, Valley Forge, Middlebrook, West Point, and New Windsor, examining how the army gradually mastered issues of camp hygiene, environmental difficulties, and logistical challenges. He shows as well how camp locations close to Philadelphia and New York allowed Washington to keep an eye on British activity without risking major engagements, “thus neutralizing a numerically superior opponent while husbanding his own strength.” Surviving the Winters is a novel approach to an often overlooked but critically important subject.

There were two honorable mentions:
Friederike Baer, Hessians: German Soldiers in the American Revolutionary War (Oxford University Press)

Christian M. McBurney, Dark Voyage: An American Privateer's War on Britain's Slave Trade (Westholme Press)

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

2023 Preservation Partner Selected

With a close vote, Wilton House Museum was selected as our 2023 partner by our members.  This means that we will make a $360 donation towards their work.  Dr Joseph Rizzo, executive director, will join us in March with an update on Wilton's activities.  Thanks to all of you who voted.  I encourage those who didn't to do so next year.  The choices were:

James Monroe Birthplace Foundation, nominated by Chris Yohn

Wilton House Museum, nominated by Bert Dunkerly

Stratford Hall, nominated by Sarah Pace

Next Meeting: January 18, 2024

Our next meeting will be January 18, 2024. This will be a ZOOM ONLY meeting and will begin at 6:30 p.m. The meeting link will be included in Bill's January newsletter.

Dr. Benjamin Carp will be speaking on "The Boston Tea Party and Its Legacy at 250." Ben is the Daniel M. Lyons Professor of American History at Brooklyn College and teaches at the CUNY Graduate Center. He is the author of The Great New York Fire of 1776: A Lost Story of the American Revolution (2023) and Defiance of the Patriots: The Boston Tea Party and the Making of America (2010), which won the triennial Society of the Cincinnati Cox Book Prize in 2013; and Rebels Rising: Cities and the American Revolution (2007).  He has written about nationalism, firefighters, Benjamin Franklin, and Quaker merchants in Charleston. He has also written for Colonial Williamsburg, the New York Daily News, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post. He previously taught at the University of Edinburgh and Tufts University.