Image courtesy of Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

2019 International Conference on the American Revolution: October 3-5, 2019

2019 International Conference on the American Revolution
Thursday, October 3 to Saturday, October 5, 2019
Museum of the American Revolution
Philadelphia, PA

Registration and Schedule:

The Museum of the American Revolution, the Pritzker Military Museum & Library, and the Richard C. von Hess Foundation are pleased to present the 2019 International Conference on the American Revolution on October 3-5, 2019. This event will bring noted historians, writers, and curators from Ireland, Scotland, England, and the United States together to explore military, political, social, and artistic themes from the Age of Revolutions. The conference will coincide with the opening of Cost of Revolution: The Life and Death of an Irish Soldier, the Museum’s first international loan exhibition, which is on view from September 28, 2019 – March 17, 2020. With more than 100 works of art, historical objects, manuscripts, and maps from lenders across the globe, Cost of Revolution will explore the Age of Revolutions in America and Ireland through the life of an Irish-born artist and officer in the British Army, Richard St. George (ca.1752-1798). Additional programs inspired by this exhibition, including special performances and lectures in addition to the Museum's Read the Revolution Speaker Series, will be listed on the Museum events calendar at

Information: Registration includes Museum admission, all sessions, and meals (excluding dinners) at $275 ($250 for Museum Members). Limited spaces are still available for an optional tour on Thursday, October 3 at 9:00am – 4:00pm to follow the steps of Richard St. George on the Philadelphia Campaign, offered at an additional charge to registration at $125 ($100 for Museum Members).

Questions: Please direct all questions about the Museum of the American Revolution international conference, special exhibition, and related programs to Hannah Boettcher, Manager of Special Programs, at

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