Image courtesy of Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown.

Directors & Bylaws

Board of Directors:
  • SENIOR ADVISOR:  Harry M. Ward, PhD, 1929 - 2016
  • PRESIDENT:  Bill Welsch
  • 1st VICE PRESIDENT, PROGRAMS:  Randy Flood
  • TREASURER:  Arthur Wm. Ritter
  • SECRETARY / HISTORIAN:  Fred Sorrell
  • OSHER DIRECTOR:  Peggy Watson
Term of Office: January 2023 - December 2024



The name of this organization is the American Revolution Round Table – Richmond (ARRT-Richmond).


The ARRT-Richmond is devoted to the study of all aspects of the Revolutionary period (ca. 1763-89). Composed of a group of eclectic, yet historically-minded individuals, the ARRT-Richmond provides a forum for the exploration, discussion, and sharing of knowledge about this interesting and critical period of our history. All are welcome to participate in this enlightening and enjoyable pursuit, regardless of knowledge level.


Any person with an interest in the study of Virginia and United States revolutionary history is eligible for ARRT-Richmond membership. The organization is open to all such persons.


The annual dues are twenty dollars ($20.00) excluding fees for any other special functions and trips that bear additional costs. Dues are payable in January. New members joining at the September meeting or later in the year will be charged fifteen dollars ($15.00) for that calendar year only, thereafter paying the regular twenty dollar ($20.00) fee. 

Five dollars ($5.00) of each members' dues shall be earmarked for preservation purposes. The recipient of our annual preservation donation shall be recommended by the Board and approved by the membership. The yearly donation will be calculated as $5.00 times the number of dues-paying members plus any additional preservation contributions.


Section 1.        Only members whose dues are paid to the ARRT-Richmond for the current calendar year are eligible to hold office or to serve on the Board of Directors, on standing committees, or on special committees.

Section 2.        The officers of the ARRT-Richmond are President, First Vice-President - Programs, Second Vice-President - Membership, Secretary/Historian, Treasurer, Webmaster/Publicity, and two At-Large members. At its discretion, the Board of Directors may appoint one (1) Senior Advisor. This group will constitute the Board of Directors, all serving as voting members.

Section 3.        A nominating committee composed of three (3) members will be appointed by the President during the September meeting. This committee will present the slate of candidates to the membership at the November meeting. At that time, additional nominations may be made from the floor. Only those persons who have signified their consent to serve if elected will be nominated for or elected to such office. Current officers and other members in good standing who wish to serve on the Board of Directors will submit their name and the position in which they are interested to the committee by October 15. Officers will be elected at the November meeting. If there is but one nominee for office, election for that office will be by voice vote.

Section 4.        Newly-elected officers will assume their official duties at the beginning of the January meeting following their election. Officers will serve for a term of two (2) years. Officers will be eligible to be reelected to the same position. 


Section 1.        The President will:

a.       preside at all meetings of the ARRT-Richmond and of the Board of Directors,

b.      perform other such duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws,
c.       be an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee,
d.      sign all checks and vouchers, in lieu of the Treasurer,
e.       coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the ARRT-Richmond so as to meet the Mission of the organization.

Section 2.        The First Vice President - Programs will:

a.       in the absence of the President, preside at all meetings of the ARRT-Richmond and of the Board of Directors,
b.      arrange and schedule speakers and programs for each regularly scheduled meeting of the ARRT-Richmond;
c.       perform other delegated duties as assigned.

Section 3.        The Second Vice President - Membership will:

a.       in the absence of the President and the First Vice President - Programs, preside at all meetings of the ARRT-Richmond and of the Board of Directors,
b.      maintain the membership records of the ARRT-Richmond in conjunction with the Treasurer, particularly noting email addresses,
c.        perform other delegated duties as assigned.

Section 4.        The Secretary/Historian will:

a.       conduct the general correspondence of the ARRT-Richmond and keep a record of all elections and proceedings,

b.      prepare a summary of all general meetings for posting on the organization’s web site and maintain records of all Board of Directors meetings,

c.       have charge of the records of the ARRT-Richmond,
d.      perform other delegated duties as assigned.

Section 5.        The Treasurer will:

a.       have custody of all funds of the ARRT-Richmond,
b.      keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures,
c.       make disbursements as authorized by the President or the Board of Directors in accordance with the fiscal policies adopted by the ARRT-Richmond,
d.      sign all checks and vouchers,
e.       present a biannual audited financial statement to the membership of the ARRT-Richmond at the end of the calendar (fiscal) year corresponding to the election of officers and when so directed by the Board of Directors. In years without the presentation of an audited financial statement, a financial review will be performed. The election or appointment of a new treasurer will trigger the presentation of an audited financial statement, said statement to be prepared prior to the new treasurer assuming office,
f.       perform other delegated duties as assigned.

Section 6.        The Webmaster/Publicity will:

a.       maintain the website for the ARRT-Richmond,
b.      maintain and moderate any forums established for the use of the ARRT-Richmond,
c.       using the web site, publicize ARRT-Richmond news and events,
d.      monitor other similar organizational web sites for information,
e.       perform other delegated duties as assigned.

Section 7.        The At-Large members will perform any delegated duties as assigned.

Section 8.        The Senior Advisor will provide advice and counsel to the President, the Board of Directors, and the membership for the good of the organization.

Section 9.        All officers will perform the duties outlined in these bylaws and those assigned from time to time. Additionally, all officers will assist in publicizing the goals and activities of the ARRT-Richmond. Upon the expiration of the term of office or in case of resignation, each officer will turn over to his or her replacement, without delay, all records, books, and other materials pertaining to the office.


Section 1.        The Board of Directors will have the general superintendence of the interests and business of the ARRT-Richmond; they will perform such other duties as may be committed to them by the ARRT-Richmond; and they will have power to make such rules and regulations consistent with the Bylaws of the ARRT-Richmond as may be necessary for the governance of the ARRT-Richmond.
Section 2.        Five members will constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Board of Directors.
Section 3.        The Board of Directors will include all officers, two At-Large members, and the Senior Advisor. The Board will have the power to fill any vacancies in its body and to manage all the affairs of the ARRT-Richmond.

Section 4.        The Board of Directors will meet a minimum of two times per year. Minutes from those proceedings will be kept and notice of all Board action reported to the general membership. Any actions taken that amend the mission or policies of the bylaws must be presented to the general membership for review and a vote prior to implementation. Such actions will also be posted on the ARRT-Richmond website.


Section 1         There will be five (5) regularly scheduled meetings each year.  Meetings will be held typically on the third Wednesday of the months of January, March, May, September and November. Changes in the assigned Wednesday will be decided at least one meeting in advance, with the scheduled change to be posted on the ARRT-Richmond website.

Section 2.        Special meetings may also be held at the call of the President or Board of Directors at any time and will be called whenever requested in writing by two-thirds of the paid members. Such special meetings may transact any business specified in the call consistent with these bylaws.

Section 3.        Those in attendance at a regular meeting will constitute a quorum for conducting all business.

Section 4.        Meetings will be held at the University of Richmond.


Standing and special committees will be established at the discretion of the President or of the Board of Directors.


Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by either the Board of Directors or any member and offered at any meeting of the ARRT-Richmond, but will not be acted upon until the next regular general meeting. A copy of any proposed amendment will be sent to each member via email, or via land mail for those members without a designated email address, as well as being posted on the ARRT-Richmond website. Such notice will indicate the meeting date at which the same is to be acted on and will be sent at least one week prior to that meeting. A vote of two-thirds of those present will be necessary to its adoption.

Including amendment(s) approved by the membership on January 16, 2013.