Image courtesy of Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Time Change for May 21, 2014 Meeting

Please note that, due to the University of Richmond’s summer dining hours, we will meet for dinner from 5:00 – 6:00 PM, with the meeting beginning shortly after 6:00 PM, instead of the usual 6:30 PM. The meeting will take place in the Westhampton Room of the Heilman Dining Center.  Details and maps are at  Please join us and bring a friend.  All are welcome.

Journal of the American Revolution to Continue Annual Hardcover Volumes

The Journal of the American Revolution has just signed a multi-year agreement with Westholme Publishing for the publication of annual hardcover volumes, starting May 2015. 
Unlike last year's volume, the new books will be more traditional in size and design with comprehensive indexes and a companion digital edition for each volume. The target length is 55 to 75 articles per volume.

Similar to the last volume, they aim to capture the best original research and perspective from the previous calendar year. Since the cut-off point for the previous book was summer of 2013, they will consider all works published from August 2013 through early December 2014 for the inaugural Westholme edition. And they want to continue offering a limited amount of space for exclusive submissions, so if you have any new ideas incubating and think they merit a reservation for the print edition, please send them a synopsis.

Williamsburg/Yorktown ARRT Has a New Home

The Williamsburg/Yorktown ARRT now has a permanent new home.  We will be meeting at Grace Episcopal Church Parish Hall in old town Yorktown. First Monday of the even numbered months at 6:30 p.m. Our next meeting is June 4, with Glenn Williams speaking on Lord Dunmore's War.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Upcoming Presentations at the Virginia Historical Society

The following presentations may be of interest to our membership. All presentations are at noon.

May 22 - "The Men Who Lost America: British Leadership, the American Revolution, and the Fate of Empire," Andrew O'Shaughnessy.

July 24 - "Establishing Religious Freedom: Jefferson's Statute in Virginia," Thomas E. Buckley.

September 11 - "Thomas Jefferson's Enlightenment--Paris, 1785," James C. Thompson.

October 9 - "Founders as Fathers: Going Home with Virginia's Revolutionary Leaders," Lorri Glover.

Andrew O'Shaughnessy at the VHS: May 22, 2014

For those of you who missed Andrew's talk at our November meeting last year, he will be presenting "The Men Who Lost America: British Leadership, the American Revolution, and the Fate of Europe" at the Virginia Historical Society at noon on May 22.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Preservation Partner Nominations Due

Please remember that ARRT-Richmond will select its 2014 Preservation Partner at our meeting on May 21. There are currently three nominations. Please pass along any suggestions.

12th Francis Marion/Swamp Fox Symposium: October 24-25, 2014

On the anniversary of the success at Fort Watson 233 years ago, mark your calendar:

12th Francis Marion/Swamp Fox Symposium
Oct 24-25, 2014, Manning, SC

Explore the Revolutionary War Southern Campaign with General Francis Marion and immerse yourself in Francis Marion's world and the significance of the Southern Campaign of the American Revolution. 

Site: FE DuBose Campus, Central Carolina Technical College, I-95, Exit 122, Manning, SC.

Francis Marion Advocates
Swamp Fox Murals Trail Society
PO Box 667, Manning SC 29102   803-478-2645, cells: 803-460-9626, 803-460-7416

Download the new Clarendon County Tour APP
Make plans for Oct 24-25, 2014  and see on Facebook
Our websites for Rev. history: 

Presentations at Cowpens National Battlefield

On May 10th at 2:00, we will have historian Robert Brown, author of Kings Mountain and Cowpens: Our Victory Was Complete, to speak about the American Revolution in the back country as a civil war. His books are also for sale in the park's bookstore and he will be available after his talk to sign them. 

On May 24th at 12:30, we will have retired Lieutenant Colonel John Moncure, who researched and wrote the original Cowpens Staff Ride the military uses today. He will speak about what a military Staff Ride is, how the military uses battlefields to train officers, and he will conduct a Staff Ride of the battlefield for the visitors to experience. Anyone who would like to do a little reading and preparation beforehand can sign up as the part of Daniel Morgan, John Howard, Andrew Pickens, William Washington, or Banastre Tarleton and participate in that manner if they wish. If you would like to have an active participating role, please contact me via email or phone at the park. The Staff Ride that was written by John Moncure is available in PDF form on our website:

On June 28th at 10:30 AM Robert Dunkerly, author of Women of the Revolution: Bravery and Sacrifice on the Southern Battlefields will be speaking about the roles of women during the war. His book is for sale in our park's bookstore and he will be available to sign them.

I hope some of you find something interesting in this list. We would love to have you come out and enjoy the programs.

Margo Blewett
Visitor Services Assistant/Volunteer Coordinator
Cowpens National Battlefield
338 New Pleasant Road
Gaffney, SC 29341

Book News

Here are two reviews for recently released books from Westholme Publishing. A number of our members had the pleasure of meeting Westholme’s Bruce Franklin at the recent Third Conference on the American RevolutionDr. Benjamin Church, Spy by John Nagy and Kidnapping the Enemy by Christian McBurney. Many Revolutionary War books that Westholme has published come highly recommended.  Check the site.

Dave Riggs of Yorktown NP informed us that Andrew O’Shaughnessy’s The Men Who Lost America is a finalist for Washington College’s George Washington Book Prize.  His book has garnered many well deserved kudos. Good luck, Andrew.

Glenn Williams reports that Mrs. Frances Kennedy has written a new book, The American Revolution: A Historical Guidebook, which will be released on May 13 by Oxford University Press. 

The book should prove an excellent guide for planning visits to sites associated with the American Revolution.