Image courtesy of Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

American Revolution Round Table of the District of Columbia: May 6, 2015

Those who live in, or plan to visit, the Washington, DC, area are cordially invited to the next program of the American Revolution Round Table of the District of Columbia on Wednesday evening, May 6, 2015.

"Confining the Enemies of the Revolution: The Treatment of Prisoners of War in American Custody."  Dr. Cole Jones will examine how revolutionary Americans treated British, Hessian, and Loyalist prisoners over the course of the war. Viewing the revolutionaries' treatment of enemy prisoners within the context of the eighteenth-century European culture of war reveals a process of radicalization that transformed the conflict from a war for independence into a revolutionary war.

Cole Jones holds a doctoral degree in History from the Johns Hopkins University, and currently works at the American Antiquarian Society.  The treatment of prisoners in the Revolutionary War is the subject of his dissertation and his soon to be released book. 

See: for more information.

The ARRT of DC meets at the Fort Myer (Arlington, VA) Officers Club on the first Wednesday of September, November, March and May, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. For more information on attending the program, or the ARRT of DC in general, go to our web page at ; OR, send me an e-mail off-list to; or call: (703) 360-9712.

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